Algebra I

Mr. Toller


Welcome to Algebra I!  It is a great honor and pleasure to welcome you to the mathematical and educational journey on which we are about to embark.  There will be times where the growth we are striving for demands a great deal of effort.  It is often in these moments that the most significant gains are made.  In order for everyone to have the best opportunity to learn in the best possible environment, each student is asked to do the following:


Wonderful things happen to classes of students that commit to these things.  We certainly want that for this class.



You will need the following materials each day:



It is important that you are an active participant in class, math is learned by doing problems and applying ideas learned in class.  The information given in class must then be practiced to be turned into learning.



Recognize what you know and don’t know, ask questions and seek help when you don’t understand.  There are many resources available, it is important to utilize the ones that work best for you.


Grading Policy

Quarter grades will be based on achievement in several categories, and be computed using a weighted grade formula. The weighted grade will be broken into the following categories:

There will be a comprehensive exam at the end of each unit.  Quizzes will be given every Thursday during weeks with no unit exam.

Homework is scored based on completion, with an emphasis is placed on understanding, so you must attempt to do every problem.  Work will be late if it is not complete at the start of class on the due date.  Each homework assignment will receive a stamp to indicate completion.  Students who miss assignments due to an excused absence will be allowed one day plus one to make up the work without penalty

Students are expected to be active participants in class activities, make presentations, and be productive group members.



Test and Quizzes Points

60% of Grade


Homework Points


30% of Grade




10% of Grade















































































Total:         Total:

Total:         Total:

Total:         Total:







Earned ¸ Possible:

Earned ¸ Possible:

Earned ¸ Possible:







Multiply by .60

Multiply by .30

Multiply by .10








Add these three boxes together and multiply by 100 to get your percentage in the class.


The semester grade will be comprised of the two quarters and a comprehensive final given at the end of the semester.  Based on the following percentages




Parent Signature ________________________       Student Signature _______________________

Attitude is the mind’s paintbrush, it can color any situation